Corporate Governance

Silver Storm Mining

Corporate Governance

Silver Storm believes that implementing high corporate governance standards is key for sustainable growth and long-term value creation.

Corporate governance contributes to the effective management of Silver Storm’s issues and affairs, as well as to the protection of its employees, shareholders, and other stakeholders. The Company and its board of directors are committed to conducting business in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. For more information about Silver Storm’s approach to corporate governance please review our most recently filed management information circular available on

Social and Environment

Silver Storm understands the importance of managing and mitigating social and environmental risks arising from its exploration activities.

The Company is committed to following environmental guidelines in connection with those activities to minimize the impact on the environment, protect its staff and contractors' safety, and safeguard natural resources. Likewise, Silver Storm acknowledges the significance of working together with local communities to establish close, respectful, and mutually beneficial relationships.